由新到舊 10670

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Work drive time! While out on the field & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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A489 - DOLCHE VITA LLCC - Isaac said her moved and didn’t have a location yet business is no longer there came by to drop off notepads and cards Now a Fire Truck Business  
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Siddons-Martin Emergency Group ***need to open amount *** - met with ? Came by to drop off notepads and cards Fire Trucks 
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Work drive time! While out on the field & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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Work drive time! While out on the field & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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A1652 - J&J ENTERPRISE GROUP LLC - met with Israel thanked him for his calls and orders came by to drop  
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A730 - LEVI TRUCK SHOP - met with Oziel(mechanic) and Mike (GAYTON N MICKY GEZAE) and said to give it to Goytom Thanked them for their calls and orders and said he talks  
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Work drive time! While out on the field & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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Work drive time! While out on the field & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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Work drive time! Heading to work & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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Book 📕 signing ✍️ meet & greet by Luis Elizondo 
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Luis Elizondo Full 
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Luis Elizondo Introduction 
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The Terminator after its first hand 🖐️ wash in 25 years! 
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Work drive time! While out on the field & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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Vanguard High School - met with Abraham Fuentes (Zachary & Omar’s teacher) and Andrew ? Castillo with a clean white 62 Chevrolet Impala doing a conversion kit came by to drop off notepads and cards  
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Work drive time! While out on the field & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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A303 - DND HEAVY DUTY DIESEL REPAIR - business is no longer there  
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Busted Knuckle Auto & Diesel ***need to open account *** - met with Keith came by to drop off notepads and cards 1800 
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Work drive time! While out on the field & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!